Monday, July 27, 2009

Yep, It's Strep...

Molly took a 2+ hour nap this morning (throwing up on your mommy can REALLY wear a person out!)... when she woke up, she said she felt fine. As I was talking to my mommy on the phone, I had Molly open her mouth again.

That's when I saw them.

little... red... dots...

And they were everywhere.

We went to the pediatrician. As soon as Molly opened her mouth the nurse jumped back a step. "Wow, I don't think I need to put this test in the machine..." Then Molly's doctor came in and said, "Yes, her test came back extremely positive."

The good news is that she'll be fine for the big birthday trip to Disney World. She started on her Amoxicillin today... so no school again tomorrow.

And to the parents that sent their Typhoid Mary daughter to ballet camp even though she was sick: Thanks. I'll be sending you Molly's medical bills.

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