Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And Then There Were Two...

Two more Molly and Mommy Fridays.

Just two more. And then you start Kindergarten.

How did this happen? How did you zoom from zero to five in a week?

Molly - our Fridays together have been some of our best days. When you were little, we'd just go for stroller rides and have tummy time... and go meet Daddy for lunch. Then we graduated to Ballet and Pancakes, play dates, and LOTS of visits to the park. We've made some of our best friends on our Friday outings. Some Fridays we'd run errands... other Fridays we'd go to the zoo. And sometimes, we'd just hang out at home and color. It was on a Friday I first introduced you to "Mary Poppins" - which is now your favorite movie.

Sometimes we'd have visitors on Fridays -- so we always said it was Mommy and Molly Day with Very Special Guest Star Daddy, or Grandma and Grandpa... or whoever was joining us. And whenever we had a weekend road trip planned, we could start out a day early -- because Fridays were ours.

Fridays have always been our special day.

And now, you're headed off to Kindergarten. Even on Fridays.

When you're older, you may not remember our Molly and Mommy Days. (Although I expect you will, Miss Memory Like an Elephant...) But know that I will always remember the great times and fun adventures we've had on our special day together.

Fridays will always be ours.

I love you, peanut.

Love, Mommy

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