Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Questions For My Boss

The other day, Molly had three very specific questions for my boss at work. She made me PROMISE to ask him these three questions... even suggested that I write the questions down so I wouldn't forget them.

So, here was the e-mail to my boss that day:

Molly wanted me to ask you three questions: 1) when is it "Take your Kid to Work Day?" 2) Why can't my mommy have naptime at work? And 3) Why don't you have a jammie day at work? Yes - these are the burning questions on a four year-old's mind...

Luckily, my boss is a dad with four daughters of his own. This was his reply:

Pls tell Molly for me: Thank you for your interesting questions. Take your kid day will happen again in 10 mos.We can't wait until you are 7 so you can join us.I always assume when your mommy's office door is closed that she might be napping.I think a jammie day is a great idea and I will propose this at the next group ldr mtg.Thanks again for your questions, Molly.

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