Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Glimpse 12 Years Into the Future...

We were visiting Ellie and her family the other night. And Ellie wanted to take Molly for a spin in her Princess car she had rediscovered.
Her MOTORIZED princess car.
(Aaron loves the fact that this is a Pontiac Solstice - a car and brand about to become defunct. But I digress.)
So, Ellie hops behind the wheel, turns the Cards game on the radio, (yes - it has a real working radio), Molly jumps in the passenger side, and off they go around the cul-de-sac. They are giggling like crazy the entire time, but Ellie is a passable driver (for a four year-old) so all is fine.
Then Molly takes the wheel.
And my life flashed-forward 12 years. And I looked at my husband and said, "She can NEVER get her driver's license."
Aaron looked back and replied, "Yeah - she's a horrible driver." And then he tore off to save Molly from rear-ending the van.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on me to capture this on video. (All I had was Molly's new camera... more on that in another post...) But it was frightening and hilarious all at the same time. She would almost drive straight into the back of a car parked on the circle... then swerve away at the absolute last second. Aaron would run next to her and yell "STOP!!!" And she would... then just as he'd approach the mini-vehicle of doom, she'd hit the gas.

Note to the 16 year-old Molly and Ellie of the future: when you ask us to borrow the car to go out, we're going to say no. And we're going to pull out these photos and laugh and embarrass the HELL out of you.
And then we'll give you a hug and you'll drive off. And I can't even imagine what that's going to feel like. Probably 10 times scarier that watching you careen around in the Princess Solstice. And that was pretty scary...

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