Sunday, July 5, 2009

Shutterbug - Part Deux

Molly's poor little pink Fisher-Price digital camera finally bit the dust a couple weeks ago. Aaron bought her that camera right before our first trip to Disney World. It was a RIOT watching her take pictures and saying "Got it!" every time... and watching other people watching her take pictures. It was too cute.

While some people might think buying a digital camera is an extravagant, crazy gift for a toddler, let me give you two great reasons why a digital camera is a PERFECT gift for every three year-old:

1) It's basically a $50 insurance policy for your own more than $50 digital camera. Because trust me, kids are OBSESSED with your very expensive digital camera and want to take pictures with it ALL THE TIME.

2) It's a blast to see the world from said three year-old's point of view...

So, this time, Aaron picked out the KidiZoom Camera from VTech. Not only is it indestructible, but it has little templates to put on your photos... so you can make Mommy a pirate...

Or put bunny ears on your best friend...
Or frame your feet...
It also takes videos (which we haven't tried yet). And it has great little games on it that takes the pictures Molly took and turns them into a puzzle. Or a little beach tic-tac-toe. So it's now a great time-killer at restaurants.
So, look out, Disney World. Molly Paige is coming back - brand new camera in tow!

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