Monday, July 6, 2009

The Phrase of the Day

Four seems to be the age when kids try out all the great words and phrases that they learn at school. (Yeah, they hear these things at school... NOT at home...)

Before four, Molly would repeat things, but mostly just like a parrot. This is how we picked up, "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya" and "What's kickin', chicken?" But now, she's trying words in context... and (I think) looking for what reaction she'll get.

Molly has tried "stupid" at me only once. She's also tried "butt," "booty," and (now that I think about it) lots of other bathroom-related words. She also has whipped out the occasional, "Mommy, I will NOT do that," which I've promptly shut down.

So, I'm loading Molly in the van this morning and she starts to buckle herself in. (This is a new accomplishment, of which she's VERY proud.) Imagine my surprise when I hear, "Holy Jesus!" from the backseat.

(I think there were some words after that... but they were blacked out as my brain hit automatic TiVo rewind.)

"What did you say, Molly?" I asked, trying to look appropriately stern and not show that I was giggling under my breath.

"Um... I don't know."

"Where did you hear that, sweetie?"

And then Molly starts to cry - her reaction any time she thinks she's disappointed us.

Really - there are lots of words that can be directly attributed to me (especially ginormous) but I really have no clue where she picked up this little phrase...

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