Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Like Johnny Appleseed... only with crayons

Molly loves to color.

Check that - Molly loves to create with ANY kind of art supplies: crayons, markers, glue, glitter glue, glitter stickers, stickers, puffy stickers... Well, you get the idea. In fact, we don't go ANYWHERE without the cutest little Crayola marker set I got her. She can entertain herself for hours with that little pouch o' magic -- including while riding around in a cart at Costco. (It really is the perfect gift for the preschool set.)

We're swimming in artwork at home. I have it on the walls, on the fridge... heck, I even framed some pieces and brought them to work. And I send regular shipments of artwork to grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, third-world countries, and the local recycling center.

Recently, Molly has been coloring pictures and giving them to different folks. It's all her idea... and once she has created artwork for someone, it's done -- that person MUST receive the present... and I'm usually the one to deliver it.
Here's a quick list of random folks she recently gifted with her art:

- Her teachers at school

- Her ballet teacher

- My colleagues

- The unborn baby of a colleague

- My boss
- The receptionist at my work
- Voted-off American Idol contestant Alexis Grace

- The sick elephant at the zoo
- "Food to Try" lady handing out chicken nuggets at Costco

I'm trying to scan all of my favorite pieces to archive them... but it's hard to keep up with such a prolific artiste!

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