Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tete A Tot First: Eye Doctor

There's a new state here law that all kids entering Kindergarten need to have an eye exam before they start school. Good idea. So I took Molly to her appointment last Thursday morning, before we left for Indiana. (More on that later.)

Molly was a little nervous, but doing ok. She asked lots of questions in the days leading up to the appointment, including my favorite: "Do I get to keep my eyeballs after the eye doctor?"

"KEEP your eyeballs? What do you mean, sweetie?"

"Well, do they fall out?"

"No, sweetie - your eyeballs are not like teeth. They don't fall out and you get to keep them."

After we cleared up the "eyeballs don't fall out like teeth" issue, she was fine. She did keep asking if I'd go back with her... and I hadn't even thought about asking the nurse that when I made the appointment.

So we get there, and I fill out the paperwork while she's watching some Dog Nanny 911 show on Animal Planet... but the dog's name is Molly, so it's all good. Then the nurse calls, "Molly? Come on back with me. Let's go play some games."

And it took every ounce of willpower the rational half of my brain could muster to override what my mommy half was screaming: GET UP AND GO WITH THEM!!!!!!!

And I watched Molly take the nurse's hand and head back to the great unknown of her first eye doctor appointment like a big girl.

*mommy tears*

Thirty minutes later (or 3,000 in mommy minutes), I get called back. The nurse asks, "So, you're going to Indiana for a bonfire?"

"Yes, we're going to visit Molly's grandma and..."

"Ah yes," replied the nurse. "We've heard ALL about your trip."

The nurse opens the door and there's Molly and the doctor. She's reading the eye chart like a pro and talking the doctor's ear off. And she did such a good job that she got THREE stickers!

She got a great diagnosis to boot -- a little farsighted, which is good/fine at this age. And a little allergic conjunctivitis - a.k.a. gunk in the eye from the crap in the air.

On our way out, I told Molly what a GREAT job she did. And I got a big hug in return. Another first in the books.

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