Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back Home Again In Indiana

The last time Molly and I visited Indiana, it was for Halloween. And we had a fantastic visit. So would a spring trip home for a garage sale be any fun?

You bet!

Our Grandma Suite (a.k.a. guest room in the basement) was OVERFLOWING with Molly clothes from 2T on up. And it was giving me anxiety. My parents' subdivision has an annual garage sale -- and has ever since I can remember. It was always the first sign of spring in Northern Indiana and always an adventure as a kid. It was where I first learned the fine art of salesmanship by hawking everything from lemonade to plants from the garden. Since the sale always attracts a lot of traffic, I figured it would be worth the drive up -- plus it's another chance to visit Grandma and Grandpa.

So, what all did we do?

- Have a bonfire with the neighbors, complete with roasting hot dogs and making s'mores.

- Visit Molly's Barkery at the Farmer's Market to buy treats for Roscoe

- Attend the volunteer thank you dinner at the horse farm where Grandpa volunteers

- Have a jammie day and watch "Sound of Music" and "Magic School Bus" all day while Mommy worked the Garage Sale

- Go to dinner at Mommy's FAVORITE Mexican restaurant... then ice cream and the local ice cream joint

- Play on the neighbor's playground... then at the neighborhood park (the last photo was actually taken by Molly!)

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