Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why American Idol Rules Our House

To say Molly loves "American Idol" is like saying that Angelina Jolie loves adopting babies... or that Barry Bonds loves taking steriods. (Which is to say, a whole heck of a lot.)

This all started in 2006 - Season 5. Molly was 18 months old and we'd watch it passively. She loved music as a baby. In fact, that was when Apple iPod had the commercial with Eminem -- and she would stop whatever she was doing when it came on and would bounce to it. Exactly to the beat.

Then one day, when I dropped her off at school, her teacher said, "Good morning, Molly! What did you do last night?" Out of nowhere, Molly replied, "Merican idol."

Oh crap.

Luckily, we had TiVo... every night for a year, Taylor won at our house.

So last season, we watched. She picked Blake Lewis early on as her favorite.

This year, she picked David Cook during Hollywood week. Next year, I'm placing bets.

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