Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Home Depot - 1; Pottery Barn Kids - 0

Part of my mommy life is I work outside the home. (Not a judgement... just a statement of my reality.) Since I work four days a week, I try to be a present parent and make the most of what I do with Molly when we're together.

So, that's why I was really annoyed to get this invitation from Pottery Barn Kids. Book club at my favorite store in the whole entire universe? Brilliant idea. Getting me to spend quality time with my daughter amidst the Hannah quilts and monogrammed Anywhere chairs? Wow -marketing genius. Doing this at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday??? Really? Really???

Strike 1 - Pottery Barn.

On the more positive front, a big woo-hoo to Home Depot for its monthly Kids Workshop. We accidentally happened upon this last month when Molly's Daddy was in need of some wiring, a new tool, or some fuse box, or something. Molly and I tagged along when a very nice woman named Tina invited us to build a race car. For free. Oh - and Molly got her own mini-sized Home Depot apron to keep! (Daddy was jealous that he didn't get one too. I said he could have his own... but he'd have to clean up Aisle 7.) So, how did it go?

As so can see, so well that we went back last week to make a flower box/crib for one of our elephants, Humphrey. (Photos coming soon.)
So thanks, Home Depot, for giving families a fun, FREE activity on a day and time that is convenient for most everyone. We'll see you next month for the flower pencil holder.

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