Saturday, April 19, 2008

Best Compliment Ever

My parents came to town last weekend... and I've been meaning to post this ever since. However, it's been a little crazy around here -- Daddy's been out of town going on almost a full 2 weeks, our dryer D I E D and I had to get the new one ordered and delivered, our garage door is thinking about imitating the dryer, and I couldn't get the DVD player to play a CD.

Happy 10 years in the house -- the appliances are starting to turn against you.

Anyway, my parents were in town to have some quality Molly time. Molly conned Grandma into having a jammie day with her on Saturday -- so Grandma wore her jammies all day too! (I was able to get a pass with my comfy clothes - a.k.a. sweats.)

So we're making lunch, and Molly decides to use her "fancy manners" voice (which is a British accent picked up from "Charlie and Lola" - the cutest cartoon EVER). And out of nowhere, as I'm making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, my mom looks at me and says, "You're doing a beautiful job with her."


I love you too, Mom.

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