Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meet the Peanut

So, Molly - here you are at 3-1/2. You have crazy curly hair -- which you actually get from your Daddy at that age. (We have matching hair now - but I had peach fuzz until I was 4.)
What do you like? You love elephants, America Idol, ballet, and reading books. You're sweet and loving. And you're our little safety officer - always making sure the basement and shower doors are shut, reminding Daddy not to rock in his chair or talk with food in his mouth, and asking me if I have the van lights turned on when we're driving. (In fact, your favorite cartoon vignette on Playhouse Disney is Lou and Lou Safety Patrol!)
Your Daddy and I have LOTS of nicknames for you -- Peanut, Princess, Pumpkin, Molly Balloon, Boo. In fact, I call you "darling" and "sweetie" so much that the other day, when you were pretending to be the mommy, you called, "Come on, darling! It's time to go!"
Love you, Peanut!

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