Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Word of the Day with Molly P. - Part 2

Some more words that Molly has decided to try out lately:

  • Freaked out - While sitting at dinner, Molly recounts the thunderstorm that happened at school: "When the thunder crashed, I freaked out. But then I was ok." (She even had some crazy eyes and hand motions to go with it. That's my girl...)
  • Saliva - While stalling for time before brushing teeth, "I have to swallow a little saliva."
  • Collection - "Mommy, I have a collection of elephants."
  • Dead - This is a weird one. All of a sudden, she's asking a lot about dead and death. One night the news was on and a woman was crying. Out of nowhere, Molly asked, "Mommy, why's she crying. Did someone die?" Oh rats - where's the mommy manual when you need it?

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