Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kindness Repaid


My sweet little girl - you received a very special envelope in the mail today. It was sitting on top of the pile of bills and junk mail - right on top.

The return address: The Zoo.

"Molly, look! You got a letter from the zoo!"

"Oh, Mommy. I bet it's from Jade. I bet she got my letter."

(At this point, my eyes start to well up.)

Inside the envelope, a card with Horton on it with the speck saying: "My friend," came the voice, "you're a vey fine friend."

You opened the card and found a photo - a photo of Jade from her second birthday a couple weeks ago. A photo taken not from where the public watches her, but from inside her enclosure.

And the words, the wonderful kind words:

Dear Molly,

Thank you for sending Jade and Maliha a get well card when they were sick. Your card and your pictures made them feel much better. :) We really appreciate that you took the time to send it!

Thanks again -
The Zoo Elephant Care Team

P.S. - We LOVE your elephant costume!

And the card was signed by 12 different people - each one signing more that just his or her name, but taking the time to include a little message just for you: "Thanks for thinking of us during this time" or "Thanks for your support" and (my favorite) "Thank you for everything! It really brightened our day!"

When we showed the card to Daddy, I started to cry again. You are such a sweet, thoughtful little girl - and it touched my heart that others were touched by your thoughtfulness too.

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