Monday, July 14, 2008

Won't You Take Me To...

One of your favorite afternoon activities at school is dancing. And one of your new favorite albums, much to my chagrin, is the soundtrack to that Oscar-contender, "Alvin and the Chipmunks." (The one with the creepy guy from that Earl show on TV...)

(Side note: from watching the commercials for that stinker, I didn't think it was really appropriate for you to watch... what with one of the chipmunks singing bow-chicka-wow-wow and all. But Grandma, Papa, and your teacher thought differently. Anyway...)

So a couple nights ago, you bust into "Won't you take me to.... FUNKYTOWN????" (Funkytown is on the aforementioned crappy soundtrack.) Daddy and I cracked up. How could we not? Our almost 4 year-old is belting disco in our family room. Then Daddy found Funkytown on iTunes... and we spent the rest of the night dancing and singing. (Which was a blast.)

Fast-forward to today. In the van... on the way home from school.

Molly (in a very sad voice): Mommy?

Me: Yes, Molly...

Molly (in a very sad, pouty voice): What can't we go to Funkytown?

Me: Um, well... I think Funkytown is far away.

Molly: Is Funkytown not in Missouri?

Me: No, sweetie. Funkytown is most definitely not in Missouri.

And scene.

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