Friday, May 1, 2009

Molly's Reading Pick o' the Week

So, we're at the grocery store to pick up our corsages for prom, when we walk by the magazine aisle. I get easily distracted by the magazine aisle, so I start to look... when Molly says, "Mommy, I want this one."

Here's the cover:

I kid you not.

As she starts thumbing through National Geographic and its newest cover story "Ice Baby," she comes across this picture:

"Mommy, why does that elephant look so sick?"

(And here I had to suppress every sacrastic bone in my body...) "Um, well, sweetie... probably because it's dead."

So I started explaining to her it's a mammoth that lived a long, LONG time ago... and it's so great that they found it, just like SUE the T-Rex because it will help scientists... but why don't we pick a different magazine.

Nope, not the Nickelodeon magazine... not Thomas the Train... not even a Tiger Beat with David Archuletta on the cover.

Nope. Molly wanted this one. She hugged her copy of National Geographic and took off down the aisle.

Here we are later, reading about the death of Lyuba. She fascinated by it, which is fantastic. But the sad, shriveled mammoth on the cover is making me a wee bit sad. I don't know if I could handle watching the TV special on this. (Shhhh.... don't tell Molly it's on!)

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