Sunday, February 1, 2009

Molly -

It's hard to believe we're only one month into 2009. You had enough fun in January to fill three months! Let's recap:

- You had 2.75 sleepovers... Ellie slept at our house... you slept at Abby's house... then you almost slept at Ellie's house...twice. Almost. Maybe "third time's a charm" on that.

- On the same day that Ellie spent the night, we had Home Depot day (and built football bookends) AND went to Build-A-Bear. You girls played in the play area at the mall and had lunch at the food court. Seriously, could that day have been any better?

- Celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day... you actually learned who he is!

- Celebrated the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.

- Went to see Mo Willems and his reading of Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed.

- Snow day spent at Jake's house

- SNOW!!!

And behind the scenes, Mommy signed you up for Cinderella Ballet Camp for this summer, tee-ball for the spring, planned an Amtrak trip to Chicago for next month (complete with lunch at American Girl), and Daddy and I registered you for Kindergarten on Friday. (More on that later.)

Wow - I think we got our money's worth out of January! Can't wait to see what February (and the rest of the year) has in store for us.

Love you, peanut.

1 comment:

ka said...

Tell me about the cinderella ballet camp, I am very interested.