Monday, May 4, 2009

Last Days of the Dinosaurs: Molly's Version

Here's the story I got tonight, as Molly was taking a bath.

"Mommy, Brooke brought in a book from home about the dinosaurs and how they really DIED."

"Really, Molly? What happened?"

"Well, the pterodactyls... you know, the pterodactyls -- the ones that fly in the sky? Not the ground dinosaurs but the sky dinosaurs? Well the pterodactyls were flying and flying and flying and saw a HUGE fireball comet. And they warned all the other dinosaurs to get in a cave. But all the ground dinosaurs didn't listen. And Sue the T-Rex didn't listen... because they were all eating other dinosaurs. And so all of them died because they didn't go into the cave. Except for a few. But when they came out of the cave, there weren't any more dinosaurs to eat. The only thing to eat was dirt! So then they died. And then their bones went into the ground and became fossils and Sue Hendrickson and the other fossil hunters dug them all up."

So glad I asked. :)

(Editor's Note: I spelled pterodactyl correctly on the first try. Woo hoo!)

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