Monday, August 25, 2008

Return of the Killer Tomatoes

Last weekend, we stopped at a farmer's market on the way home from a morning of running errands. This great little place had the best looking tomatoes I'd seen in awhile, so we got a few to enjoy.

Cut to me fixing lunch a couple hours later, when the following conversation took place:

Me: "Molly, would you like a tomato with your lunch?"

Molly: "No - tomatoes kill you."

Me: "Um, what?" (And really thinking what the f???)

Molly: "Tomatoes kill you."

Me: (Trying to act real calm and not FREAK OUT) "Where did you hear that?"

Molly: (Now coloring a picture of a rainbow or something completely innocent...) "Oh, on the TV."

TV... tomatoes... killer tomatoes... George Clooney in bad movies...

Oh wait - the salmonela scare? From a month ago?

Me: (Quickly forgoing the explanation of the whole crazy story and getting into peppers, spinach, and anything else...) "Oh sweetie, those were tomatoes that didn't get washed."

Molly: "Mommy, do you wash our tomatoes?"

Me: "Yes, sweetie - I wash our tomatoes. I promise."

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